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  • Seb35's avatar
    Version 0.0.5 - Improved packaging, tests, and grammar. · 7565411e
    Seb35 authored
    A lot of tests have been added to cover most rules.
    The grammar have been improved with increased legibility
    and a better handling of the semantic results (implemented
    in the grammar actions).
    The packaging have been reworked to avoid the step
    reading the grammar with node’s fs.readFile(). Now
    the basic use (compiled parser + grammar + basic loop
    to find articles) are compiled and packaged; and the
    advanced use (generation of own grammar is accessible
    for developers (with devDependencies).
    Also a PEG.js plugin is provided to prevent the grammar
    from failing: in this use case a fail is simply a
    precandidate which is not a link and there is no need
    to have details about why it failed, and we always want
    a partial match (to match only the beginning of the input)
    although default PEG.js parsers capture entire strings.
    Such simplification decreased the size of the minified
    parser by 20 % (from 123 Kio to 96 Kio) and probably
    increased the speed. This was proposed as a feature to
    PEG.js in a lighter form.